Vape Types

Within the world of electronic cigarettes for vaping, we find many types of electronic cigarettes and one way to differentiate them is depending on whether or not they have electronics in the vaper itself.


Vape Type

Buy an electronic cigarette

eGo Kits, MODs and more
In our electronic cigarette section you can buy cheaper electronic cigarettes,  MODs and much more, with a wide selection of vaping items.

Advantages of electronic cigarettes

Have you decided to put aside the dangerous traditional cigarettes? Then you have come to the right store where you will surely find your cheap vapers. First of all, you have to browse our sections and check the price of the electronic cigarette that interests you and even compare it with other online stores so that you will be sure that you are going to get cheap and quality vapers when you buy at Vape Shop Ireland.

An electronic cigarette is precisely the right alternative to traditional cigarettes and when vaping you do something very different from smoking since there is no combustion and you are not swallowing smoke. As a vaper you are “vaping”. As a traditional smoker, the way you are hooked can vary a lot. There is a physical addiction and a psychic addiction. The physical part is similar to alcohol addiction or even addiction to stronger drugs like cocaine where your body has a need for nicotine. The psychic part is more related to the customs that are being formed, the social part and the well-being that we feel when we are surrounded by people and food, so we can feel the need to smoke a cigarette. The e-cigarette has been created to simulate your smoking experience, but without the inclusion of over 4,000 chemicals that can be found in traditional cigarettes. Instead of inhaling dangerous smoke, you will be inhaling a water vapor (Vaping) with or without nicotine. This means that you can quit smoking traditional cigarettes easily and without suffering and especially without having to go through the difficult part of giving up the "feeling" of smoking from one day to the next, which causes mood swings and other discomforts. .

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