Shop by your favorite flavour and strength. A wide range from tobacco to fruit, cream, bakery, sweets, drinks, chocolate and also menthol/mint favours all are available. Flavors for e-liquids When we talk about flavors for e-liquids, we can make a few distinctions and organize them into categories. But the truth is that, when it comes to vaping, these categories dissolve because we often mix e-liquids with different types of flavors. Anyway, let's see what the main types are:
E-Liquid Flavours
fruit flavors
Fruit flavored e-liquids provide a good balance between sweetness and coolness, something hard to find in other kinds of vape juices. The most popular are tropical fruits (mango, banana and pineapple, etc.) as well as European ones: apple, pear, peach and strawberry, among others. There is also no shortage of orange, tangerine, lemon and other citrus fruits.
drink flavors
You can find e-liquids flavored drinks of all kinds: infusions, soft drinks, juices, alcoholic beverages. The best results very faithful to the flavor in which they are inspired. Vaping with whiskey, for example, is pretty much like drinking whiskey and smoking at the same time, except it doesn't make you intoxicated or drunk. Likewise, vaping with coffee flavor helps to abandon the dependence on cigarettes and coffee. On the other hand, e-liquids with flavors of energy drinks can lift our spirits and provide us with vitamins. And we can cite dozens of other examples.
sweet flavors
If you like sweet flavors, you will be delighted to know that you can find them in all kinds of varieties: caramel, honey, vanilla, strawberry, etc. An indisputable advantage of this class of e-liquids is that we can vape them while having a soft drink, juice or infusion. And while we even eat, to create very pleasant effects on the palate. The best thing is that it is healthier than real sweets, since the amount of sugar consumed in the puff is practically nil.
menthol flavors
Mint is hands down one of the best flavored e-liquids. It can be vaped alone in all its variants, or combined with almost any other flavor: apple, coffee, donut, caramel, etc. It is refreshing and, without a doubt, an attraction for those who used to smoke menthol cigars. Also, menthol flavored e-liquids dissolve very well with vegetable glycerin and propylene glycol. So the distribution is very complete on the palate. If you use mint in its piperine variant, you can achieve very strong tastes.
tobacco flavor
Despite the options, many still prefer the taste of tobacco, especially ex-smokers. Although they will never carry like the actual cigar, some tobacco-flavored e-liquids have achieved a fairly reliable effect, especially when it comes to blond tobacco. And we can find them for all tastes: soft and strong, with or without nicotine, etc.